I am a feminist. No really!
Actually I am not so sure that I know exactly what a feminist is. I do know this. I have 2 sisters. I also have 2 daughters. And a wife. And many female friends, and co-workers, and people I see at the grocery store. And… I quite frankly am weirded out that a certain (large) percentage of the world’s population has to go through more trials and tribulations than us guys. So I was extremely happy to find out that magician Rosemary Reid has decided to create a deck of playing cards that specifically addresses issues that female performers face… Yes in 2022, some 25% of female magicians surveyed reported being groped during a gig! WTF guys? Nobody is squeezing your balls while you perform an ACAAaaaaAaaAaaaNNNnn (sorry, nerdy magician joke).
Go support this initiative. Each court card in the deck (which has awesome artwork) encourages the adoption of open, honest, and respectful communication around a theme, From experiencing sexism to not having access to equal education opportunities, women around the world face issues that men simply don’t… and this is 2023 for crying out loud! Find all the deets HERE